Thursday, May 7, 2009


Just one inch taller, then the grass is out of the soil. Every energy within the tiny grass is releasing to get to the point. The light green tip appears above the soil; the sand and stones are pushed aside. The grass extend the tip and used up more energy than it ever did. The street walkers are traveling in a perpetual rhythm. The grass keeps stretching, and pushing, at the same moment, a huge foot step steps on it. The grass bend itself weakly; the tip swaying on the surface of the soil with a tiny crack on it. The grass needs sunlight, but it's blocked bu the busy crowd above. The grass wish for a light breeze to help him up, but the atmosphere is muggy. The grass lift the tip laboriously a little, and suddenly there comes the gentle breeze. And all of sudden, the grass is standing straight up again. The crowd is not dismissed yet, but the grass trengthen its stem with it's full power to prevent from falling down again.

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