Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Turtle..

"Very descriptive" is my very first reaction to this article. "The turtle" is a small chapter form John Steinbeck's famous book Grapes of Wrath. "The turtle"is written under the background of the natural disaster the dust bowl, which people have to move away from the area to California. The interesting things about John Steinbeck is that he never directly introduce the difficulties to the reader, instead, he uses analogy to create a vivid image to impress the readers. Some may say that his description is a little too heavy to understand, however, as you read close enough, the image is clear and interesting. For example in the article: "For a moment he stopped, his head held high. He blinked and looked up and down [...] The head upraised and peered over the wall to the broad smooth plain of cement." The whole paragraph is describing the obstacles that the turtle meet when it is crawling across the road. At time point, John Steinbeck is actually implying the difficulties that the people meet during the move from the dust bowl. Even this is a heart breaking historical event, in John Steinbeck's writing, we can find it humorous and enjoyable.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Book review- Hotel Babylon

Plot: * * * * *

Character: * * * * *

Setting: * * * * *

Over All: * * * * *

A awesome book for the people who are thinking of diving into hotel business. Hotel Babylon is a famous BBC series that is now written into a book. The TV series is now up to season 4, but the book is only 300 pages long, it is because that the author has compacted almost 10years experience into 24 hours in the hotel, which is really creative way to me.
As I am going to major Hotel Management, I think this book is a little tip, and almost I can say it is a pre-entre to Hotel Management. The book has many surprising incidents in it and I think the way how the characters (hotel manager, reception, concierge...) deal with the problem is very different from other services. There are many amazing stuff in the book that are interesting to read. So I recommend people who are interested in Hotel or people who want to know more about hotel's affairs can absolutly read Hotel Babylon.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Book review- The Kite Runner

Setting: * * * *

Plot: * * * *

Characters: * * * * *

Over all: * * * * *

An excellent book!!! Especially the inner conflict of the main character, Amir. The story happens in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, and then later in America, and after a while, back to Kabul.

The storyline: Amir is born in a rich family, and he has a little servant called Hassan, who serve Amir and also is a playmate with him. They are always good friend, but sometimes Amir couldn't hide his arrogant that he fool Hassan about his illiteracy. In a word, Amir is still above Hassan all the time. The two boys like to fly kites, once there was a kite flying race, and Amir wins the first place (his kite stays in the air the longest). To their tradition, the winner has to trace the kite back, that time, Hassan as a servent help Amir to get back the kite. There is a very bad kid in town that is as rich as Amir's family, treats Hassan badly. He raped Hassan, which the whole process is seens by Amir, but he doesn't come up to help Hassan, he only sees the tears in Hassan's eyes. After all that, Amir starts to feel guilty about it, but he doesn't know what to do, for a kid, he starts to avoid Hassan, and even sets him up and ask his father to fire him. And here is the turning point, everything has changed, the wealth of the family is ruined by war. Amir moves to America, and the story goes on. It has a happy and good ending at last.

The story is moving and tear driving in my opinion. If people wants to seek for some spirit cleansing, this book is the one.

Book review- Rosie Dunne

Setting: * * * * *

Plot: * * * * *

Characters: * * * * *

Over all: * * * * *

This is an interesting book that has a interesting format.

The book is not like normal book that is told by a narrator or something like that, for this book, it is perfromed by e-mails and letters, which in this book, the "narrator" is actually telling her story by showing all the e-mails.

The book Rosie Dunne will keep the readers laughing and guessing until the last page. The very interesting part is that this book started when the "narrator" is five years old till she is sixty-five, which means that this book is about her entire life. And the impressive thing is that the author of this book is also the author of the famous book P.S I love you. Rosie Dunne is as romantic as P.S I love you, and it is almost impossible to put down the book.

The main idea of this book is to show the story of two people, which are meant to be together but just can't seem to get it right. The plot fluctuated perfectly that it's not too disappointing, but not to satisfying. And it is a good book to read, not to learn anything but just have fun!!

OMG!! Betrayers...

A white lie is considered acceptable, but not definetly not betrayal. And I think betrayers are never ok to people. Personally, I think betrayal has two differnt kinds, one is the betrayal of strangers or just random people, another is the betrayal of whom you care, which is also the most unacceptable one. In many situations we can see betrayal occurs, for example like in business, in order to seek for personal benefits, businessman does do something under the table, and a lot to tell you the true. I'm sure whether betrayal equals to selling people out, but somehow they are as bad. How am I going to react to betrayers? Actually, I've never met one, but I think if it's in business, it's reasonable, unless violence involved. However, the second betrayal is the most heart-breaking kind. Take Medea as an example, her husband betrayed her and roll comfortablly in the royal bed, this is totally rediculous. Moreover, the most rediculous thing is that Jason, still thinks that he is right for self-securing. Yes, even though men are not reliable, I think Medea's way to solve problem is also too extreme. Neogotiate is one of the most important step. First, talk to him, but if it doesn't work, let's go with the justice, law. I can understand that back in 400BC it is absolutly different from now that we have the role of law now but they don't. Justice is the best way to deal with affairs outside of marrige. But if it is not about marrige and it doesn't matter the law, I still think that talk or ignorance is a good way to deal with betrayers. Many times thinking of revenge is not a good idea, because one revenge after another, when is this going to end?